Zero Cost Scotland worked in collaboration with Edinburgh University Students Association to relaunch the free shop for students during freshers week.

EUSA and the University of Edinburgh's accommodation services team use the Free shop as a mechanism of resource redistribution for a select quantity of resources left behind by undergraduate students at the end of the previous academic year. Students are encouraged to reduce their consumption of new resources by attending this reuse fair and helping themselves to used goods.
The relaunch of the Free shop after a 2 year hiatus saw 450 approx. students file through the doors of the studio. 645kg of resources handpicked by EUSA and their volunteers were complimented by a further 700kg of resources supplied by ZCS's partners. The 3 hour event culminated in a total of 1165kg of the 1345kg of resources supplied to the event, being claimed.

87% of all resources supplied to the Freeshop were successfully rehomed. The remaining 13% of resources will be given further reuse opportunities via ZCS's sustainability partners.